Sand Dune and Shingle Network

Published: Monday, 28 May 2018 Print Email

Sand Dune and Shingle Network

HOPEDr. Margarita Stancheva has been member of Sand Dune and Shingle Network since 2010. The Sand Dune and Shingle Network is based within the Geography and Environmental Sciences Department at Liverpool Hope University and has the major aim to conserve sand dunes and shingle as dynamic landscapes. The Network currently includes, amongst others, many of the following groups: site managers, national policy makers, students and researchers, biodiversity officers, ecologists, geomorphologists and hydrologists and most recently coastal engineers, golf course managers, tourism interests, forestry interests, military sites, landscape historians etc. It has over 290 full members. The Network operates by sharing information across different sectors and disciplines. The common interest is the natural resource and a desire to find sustainable solutions to conservation issues.

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