A new Blue Economy Observatory has been launched by the European Commission to bring together knowledge from different sources

Published: Monday, 23 May 2022 Print Email

EU Blue Economy Observatory


The European Commission launches on 19 of May 2022 the EU Blue Economy Observatory, a new knowledge dissemination platform for the sustainability of our oceans, seas and coastal areas.

The new observatory will focus on socio-economic components of the maritime related sectors. It will provide a detailed picture of ocean-related activities, with latest data, scientific evidence, insights, market information and findings supporting ongoing trends and developments in the EU Blue Economy.

The EU Blue Economy Observatory intends to solve the current lack of sufficient available data about industries and sectors related to our oceans, seas and coasts.

Filling this knowledge gap with the latest and most complete scientific information will help policymakers and businesses make decisions in order to build a sustainable, resilient and climate-neutral blue economy in the EU. Moreover, the platform provides information relevant to the development, implementation and monitoring of policies, particularly in light of the European Green Deal.

DG MARE and DG JRC will coordinate the work of the Observatory. A steering committee made up of European Commission experts from various DGs will be assembled to cover key blue economy industries and subsectors.

The new observatory will help put the EU on the path towards a sustainable, carbon-neutral and circular blue economy.

Originally published by Joint Research Centre.

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