A new ETC/ICM Report have been published to discuss environmental impacts of offshore renewable energy and key role of MSP

Published: Thursday, 13 October 2022 Print Email

02 2022 ETC ICM Report Mapping potential environmental impacts of offshore renewable energy 1


The European Green Deal sets out the ambition to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, while addressing other environmental challenges, boosting the economy, improving people's health and quality of life, and ensuring an inclusive and just transition (European Commision, 2019).

As part of the Green Deal, the Commission adopted the EU Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy to give a strategic direction for the ambitious development and integration of offshore renewable energy by 2030 and 2050. The main driver for this report is to support Member States and the EU in fulfilling the 2050 vision of the Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy whilst ensuring that the expansion of offshore energy does not imperil achievement of the Biodiversity Strategy, MSFD and Maritime Spatial Planning Directive.

•  At first the report determines the potential interaction between different offshore renewable energy devices (i.e., wind turbines, wave energy converters, current turbines, photovoltaic and ocean thermal energy conversion systems) and ecosystem components, by identifying the pressures (stressors) and vulnerable group of species, habitats, or ecosystem elements (receptors), based on a literature review.
•  Secondly, the methodology and results from a risk map, or cumulative impact index, analysis made primarily using GIS software and the open-source program EcoImpactMapper are presented.
•  A third section provides an overview of the most relevant policies, strategies and directives for managing the environmental impacts of the development of offshore energy as well as synergies and trade-offs between these policies and strategies.
•  Finally, the report presents a detailed review of the maritime spatial plans of Finland, Ireland, Latvia and Belgium, which are summarised in country-specific evaluations and a comparison table.

Publication date: 10 Oct 2022

Prepared by:
Lead authors: Ibon Galparsoro (AZTI), Iratxe Menchaca (AZTI), Isabel Seeger (Ecologic), Marco Nurmi (SYKE), Hugh McDonald (Ecologic), Joxe Mikel Garmendia (AZTI), Sarai Pouso (AZTI), Ángel Borja (AZTI)

EEA project manager: Stéphane Isoard

Coordination: Claudia Neitzel (UFZ)

Originally published by Eionet Portal.

Download report from here!

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