MSP-GREEN project website is officially launched!

Published: Thursday, 05 October 2023 Print Email


You can find information about:
• Project’s objectives and overall activity structure
• Consortium team
• MSP and EGD
• Project results and deliverables
• Events and Newsletter

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We are also happy to announce, that the MSP-GREEN D2.1: The Green Deal component of the EU MSP Plans, along with Infographic and Country Summaries are published and ready to look and read!

This extensive Deliverable offers an analysis of the project countries MSP Plans (Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia and Spain) and how they reference to Green Deal elements, according to a common nomenclature.
In the framework of MSP-GREEN Work Package 2, partners assessed whether and how their national MSP plans have considered the EGD objectives and identify which are the major gaps, the challenges encountered, and the trade-offs accepted in mainstreaming EGD into MSP. To achieve these objectives, the partners analysed their national MSP plans and identified the components in line with the various elements of the EGD actions. Plans from Bulgaria, Finland, France, Italy, Germany, Latvia, and Spain have been analysed. The multidimensional analysis captures the diversity of the analysed plans, resulting from, in particular, the spatial and non-spatial planning approaches as well as planning contexts. It takes into consideration the organisation of MSP governance from national to local level, the structuring of economic sectors and stakeholders, and the various status of planning tools (from strategic to prescriptive) used in MSP.

You can find the full report here!

As part of deliverable D2.1 an Infographic has been created to highlight the key findings in terms of European Green Deal elements in analyzed MSP Plans.


Download Infographic here!

Partners assessed whether and how their national MSP plans have considered the EGD objectives and identify which are the major gaps, the challenges encountered, and the trade-offs accepted in mainstreaming EGD into MSP.

Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia and Spain MSP Plans have been scanned to find out present references to EGD topics and a set of Summaries have been created to help the dissemination of results.

Download Summaries here!

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