Center for Coastal & Marine Studies
Next MSP-GREEN Deliverable drops: D3.1 Sharing valuable practices for boosting the Green Deal through MSP
This D3.1 Sharing valuable practices for boosting the Green Deal through MSP created in Work Package 3 has identified valuable and capitalizable experiences of EGD integration into MSP. The study looked at the operational level of the MSP Plans of the countries of the consortium members, focusing on spatial planning measures as well as on process-related practices.
In total, 21 valuable practices were identified from the six project partner’s countries. These practices showcase how MSP processes in project partners countries aim to target climate change mitigation (A), sustainable sea-food production (C), biodiversity and ecosystem protection and restoration (D); climate change adaptation (B), fair and just transition (G) and zero pollution (F).
Read the full report at the MSP-GREEN project results page!
The 3rd Blue Horizons Newsletter is out and ready to read!
As in the first two issues of our joint newsletter, we bring to you the latest updates of BLUE4ALL and MSP4BIO projects, as well as the latest news on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), and Ocean Conservation.
This 3rd issue introduces you with the BLUE4ALL's recent General Assembly in Lecce, Italy, where intellect and progress converged. The issue also explores MSP4BIO's latest innovation, the Data Compilation App, designed to make marine data accessible and easy to navigate. The events section is packed with opportunities, from joining the EU Blue Parks Community workshop to the upcoming 2nd Mission Arena to be held in Latvia and for which the registration is already open.
External news brings you the launch of the Mission Ocean and Waters service portal—a one-stop-shop for ocean stakeholders. Plus, don't miss the chance to apply for the MPA Awards, recognizing outstanding Marine Protected Areas contributing to #MissionOcean.
So, grab your tea or coffee, and dive into the latest updates in the world of Blue Horizons!
MSP4BIO at the IV Webinars of the MED-MSP-CoP: Sharing knowledge as key for advancing MSP practice
On February 13th, Margarita Stancheva (CCMS) presented the MSP4BIO project at one of the technical webinars that MED-MSP-CoP organises on a regular basis.
The aim of these webinars is to:
• Disseminate valuable practices on MSP in the Mediterranean
• Illustrate how such experiences tackle some of the key challenges addressed by the MED-MSP-CoP, including “MSP for MPAs” and “MSP as key enabler for SBE strategies and initiatives”
• Provide a regular opportunity for an open discussion on MSP-related issues of common interest for the MED-MSP-CoP experts
• Invite any other experts in participating to the discussion and more in general to join the MED-MSP-CoP.
In this event, several points to be capitalised were highlighted, such as:
- MSP4BIO process of CoPs engagement – a series of interactions to facilitate exchange, build ownership and ensuring uptake of developed MSP4BIO tools in the test areas and beyond, keep their interest and show the added value of being a CoP member.
- SeaSketch tool and participatory mapping survey for trade-off analysis – the step-by step methodology has the potential to be replicated/adapted and to enhance stakeholder interest, a robust platform, leading to important discussions and diverse feedback from the CoP members.
You can access the full presentation on the MSP4BIO website!
The MSP4BIO first two deliverables are available online!
What about starting the week by reading our first 2 deliverables published online:
• D2.1: Overview of the available biodiversity datasets & platforms relevant for planning
This deliverable presents an analysis of the availability of datasets, data platforms, tools, and models required by MSP4BIO. Data were compiled and the availability for each test site and data requirement (desideratum) was analyzed. Data availability varied considerably between test sites and desiderata. The analysis found several data gaps, which serve as guidance for data collection by other work packages. In total, 339 datasets, data platforms, tools and models were compiled from a wide variety of sources.
Read the full deliverable here!