Center for Coastal & Marine Studies
Hot off the press: two more MSP4BIO deliverables published!
Exiting news: two more MSP4BIO deliverables have just been released exploring how the MPA managers can assess vulnerabilities and prioritize actions for resilient marine ecosystems and what are the barriers, levers, and integration challenges for biodiversity mainstreaming in Maritime Spatial Planning:
• Deliverable 3.3 Guidance for building climate change scenarios for protection strategies
The purpose of the guidance is to provide an original framework for MPA managers and modelers to assess the vulnerability of marine species and ecosystems to climate stressors. The vulnerability assessment is a key element in climate-smart management, since the responses of marine organisms and ecosystems to climate-induced changes are neither straightforward nor linear, as they depend on the species’ sensitivity, resistance and adaptivity to the (single or combined) stressors. In other words, some species may survive, while others may disappear or invade; depending on the trophic role of the species, the ecosystem may undergo an abrupt shift to a different state (with consequent modification of ecosystem services) or exhibit resilience.
Read full Deliverable 3.3 here!
In the fourth issue of the Blue Horizons Newsletter you can find many updates from each project, as well as joint news like the soon to launch networking space for MPA managers and stakeholders, the outcomes of our roleplaying game at the UN Ocean Decade event, echoes of the Black Sea Basin Workshop under the three sister projects MSP-GREEN, MSP4BIO and MPA Europe, and our contributions to the key action points for marine protection in the Eastern Baltic.
We also bring news from our sister project MPA Europe and the exciting announcement of a new project that kicked off last May on MPAs in the Arctic-Atlantic.
Enjoy the read and thanks for helping us work towards the restoring and conservation of our Ocean.
The Black Sea Basin Workshop "Bridging Maritime Spatial Planning with the European Green Deal and better Integrate Marine Protected Areas" was successfully conducted last week on June 20th, in Varna, Bulgaria as a hybrid event. The workshop was jointly organised by the three European Union sister projects MSP-GREEN, MPA Europe and MSP4BIO, and hosted by the MSP-GREEN / MSP4BIO partner from Bulgaria - Center for Coastal and Marine Studies (CCMS). The workshop aimed to present and discuss at the Black Sea Basin level how the MSP could strengthen and promote better integration and implementation of the EGD maritime objectives (based on MSP-GREEN draft recommendations). The Black Sea Workshop also addressed the specific EGD topic of improved science-based MSP for biodiversity protection and better alignment of MPAs management and their integration in MSP.
The EU Level workshop to share recommendations on how to strengthen the integration of EGD maritime components into MSP, one of the main outputs of the project, with experts from all over Europe was successfully conducted: 30 experts from sectors, governance and research joined the workshop to evaluate and expand the draft recommendations. The interactive event and working groups provided a lot of feedbacks that will help improve the recommendations.
After introductory presentations, tens of recommendations were considered using tables and colour-notes inputs. The recommendations will be finalized and shared at basin level during five basin events, before making it to the final event.
A special thanks to partners and experts for putting time and effort in creating recommendations and providing useful feedback.
The Black Sea Basin Workshop to share and discuss MSP-GREEN recommendations will be held on 20 of June 2024 in Varna, Bulgaria!
Stay tuned for more details and results!