Second Steering Committee and General Assembly Meeting of MSP-GREEN, 9 May, 2023

Published: Thursday, 18 May 2023 Print Email


MSP GREEN Steering committee 05 2023

The Second Steering Committee and General Assembly Meeting of MSP-GREEN project took place as hybrid event (in Cagliari and online) on 9 May, 2023. The meeting was organized by CORILA and IUAV in synergy with the EMFAF sister project Regina-MSP event on Ocean Literacy for regional MSP.

The event included the CAs, SC and AB members. Scope of the meeting was to assess the progress of activities performed since the Venice’s launching conference in January 2023 and, from a strategic point of view, to verify the coherence for future activities. A discussion occurred considering the activities in each work package.

MSP GREEN Steering committee Part


The MSP-GREEN website will be officially launched at the European Maritime Day in Brest, on 24-25 May 2023!

Stay tuned for further updates and follow MSP-GREEN on Twitter: @MSPGREEN22

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